Kevin Anderson is Presbyter for the North Plains Section. Bro. Kevin and his wife, Darla currently serve as the Senior Pastor for First Assembly of God in Stratford, TX.Contact Info: P.O. Box 736 • Stratford, TX 79084 • Phone: 806-396-2340
South Plains Section
Danny Williams is Presbyter for the South Plains Section. Danny and his wife, Connie currently serve as Senior Pastor for Lighthouse Assembly of God in Snyder, Texas.Contact Info: 1801 County Road 151 • Snyder, Texas 79549 • Phone: 325-573-5359
East Plains Section
Vance Mitchell is Presbyter for the East Plains Section. Bro. Vance and his wife, Bernice recently retired after serving Trinity Assembly of God in Floydada, Texas.Contact Info: 519 S. Ayrshire ∙ Crosbyton, Texas 79322 ∙ Phone: 806-675-1039
West Plains Section
Robert Burns is Presbyter for the West Plains Section. Bro. Robert and his wife, Kaylene currently serve as the Senior Pastor for First Assembly of God in Levelland, Texas. Contact Info: P.O. Bob 1054 ∙ Levelland, Texas 79336 ∙ Phone: 806-894-7357
Pecos Section
Mike Hanks is Presbyter for the Pecos Section. Bro. Mike and his wife, Sandi currently serve as the Senior Pastor for First Assembly of God in Midland, Texas.Contact Info: 100 West Wadley Avenue • Midland, Texas 79705 • Phone: 432-684-4613
El Paso Section
Eddie Lee is Presbyter for the El Paso Section. Bro. Lee and his wife, Linda currently serve as the Senior Pastor for Harvest Christian Center in El Paso, Texas.Contact Info: 1345 New Harvest Place • El Paso, Texas 79912 • Phone: 915-585-9934